By removing monetary value from goal setting, this low-stress and educational experience helps young adults responsibly plan for their financial future.

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Through expert interviews, competitive analyses, and UX research, I designed the browser-based goal-setting and educational tool. Unlike traditional financial planning assistants, this experience excludes concrete monetary figures. This reverse approach allows young adults to center their financial future around what is truly important to them: their aspirations.


UI/UX Design
Brand Identity


Interaction Design



Through expert interviews, competitive analyses, and UX research, I designed the browser-based goal-setting and educational tool. Unlike traditional financial planning assistants, this experience excludes concrete monetary figures. This reverse approach allows young adults to center their financial future around what is truly important to them: their aspirations.


UI/UX Design
Identity Design


UI/UX Designer





prioritizing personal valueS over monetary figures

Creating a Goal


Develop a tool that helps young adults evaluate and prepare for their financial future. Conduct a market analysis of existing tools and user research to identify a potential way to alleviate (some of) the stress associated with financial planning.


Initially, three interviews were conducted with people of varying levels of financial expertise to understand what existing tools are most helpful to them. Then, I created a brief risk management activity to understand what kind of goals young adults create and how they reevaluate them.

How might we educate students about financial planning and risk management while helping visualize their goals?


I began exploring potential purposes of the financial planning tool through storyboarding, user interviews, and more. Ultimately, I decided that my tool was to be a one-off experience that initially separates personal goals from monetary boundaries.


The tool's purpose breaks traditional financial planning norms and encourages deep personal introspection. This led me to create a simple, comforting user interface and visual aesthetic.

UI Research

Mood Board

Paper Prototypes


At each stage of the experience's development, the wireframes were tested by potential users. I learned how difficult it is to ideate goals with specified time spans. Therefore, I built in time for brainstorming and provided as many suggestions as possible to inspire deeper thought.

Brand Board

UI Components


A prototype of the Envision experience using real goals created by young adults during the research phase. After further user testing, I would like to develop this into a free website to allow open access to the tool for my peers.

Selected Hi-Fis

Final Vision